+49 (211) 4976380
Palladium Mobility Group
Global Relocation Services
"We do everything for a successful transfer of your employees and accompany the entire process in a committed and professional manner."
Palladium Mobility Group was founded with the aim of making a transfer, whether national or international, as pleasant as possible for your employee and their family. We will do our utmost possible and accompany the entire relocation process sensitively in order to ensure that your employee’s transfer is successful for all parties involved. For this purpose, we maintain a large network of multilingual specialists who themselves have lived abroad and therefore understand the transferees’ needs and concerns. Our primary goal is to consider all aspects of a domestic or international transfer in our service, so that the employee and their family feel comfortable and at ease in their new environment as soon as possible. Furthermore, Palladium Mobility Group has been a member of the EuRA (European Relocation Association) for many years and is committed to its ethics and code of conduct.
OUR Service
Our team coordinates and manages the entire relocation process, ensures a smooth service for your employees and takes care of all administrative and procedural matters.
As one of the very few German relocation companies, we hold the EuRA quality certification (European Relocation Association). This seal of quality guarantees you consistent compliance with the highest standards in terms of processes and KPIs, among other things, throughout the entire service provision.
HOME Search
Finding the right home in the right location is critical to ensuring your relocating employees are happy in their new location. Our home finding service goes to every effort to ensure that your relocating employees are satisfied with their new home, which will subsequently enable them to work more effectively in their new job.
temporary Housing
Whether your employee is relocating for a short-term or a long-term assignment, temporary housing is frequently used to accommodate the relocating employee and the accompanying family members until a permanent home has been found or becomes available.
The area orientation is also known as a “preview trip” or a “look-see visit” and serves as a valuable tool: It can help sell the new location to a prospective candidate, for example, or it can be used as one of the first steps of a group move initiation.
If your relocating employee has school-aged children, the choice of school is critical to all family decisions and will influence the whole family’s perception of their new location. Finding the appropriate schooling will speed up the relocation process and have a positive impact on your relocating employee’s performance in the new position. PMG provides professional help finding schools which take the current and future education plans into consideration..
Haus & Wohnungssuche
Wohlfühlen –
von Anfang an
Entscheidend für die Zufriedenheit Ihres versetzten Mitarbeiters mit dem neuen Standort ist das richtige Zuhause in der passenden Umgebung. Wir tun alles in unserer Macht stehende um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre versetzten Mitarbeiter mit dem neuen Zuhause zufrieden sind, damit diese sich schnell ihrer neuen beruflichen Herausforderung stellen können.
temporäre unterkunft
Unabhängig davon, ob Ihr Mitarbeiter eine kurzfristige oder längerfristige Entsendung antritt, eine vorübergehende Wohnung wird häufig benötigt, um Ihren Mitarbeiter und dessen Familie so lange unterzubringen, bis ein endgültiges Domizil gefunden ist oder verfügbar wird.
Man bezeichnet die Orientierungstour auch als “Preview Trip” oder “Look-see visit”. Die Orientierungstour ist ein vielseitiges und wertvolles Mittel als Bestandteil des Relocation-Programmes. Sie hilft, den potenziellen Kandidaten für die neue Umgebung zu begeistern oder ist Bestandteil zur Vorbereitung eines Gruppenumzuges.
Falls Ihr Mitarbeiter Kinder im Schulalter hat, spielt die Auswahl der Schule eine bedeutende Rolle für alle weiteren Entscheidungen innerhalb der Familie und wird die Erwartung an das neue Umfeld entscheidend beeinflussen.
Moving to and settling into a new location should be a positive experience, not a distraction from work. This is the time when your employees and their families are adapting to their new life. PMG providers settling-in services that are designed to help your employee through the crucial first few months after arriving in a new location.
Cultural and language training support is extremely valuable for all transferees as it will help considerably with communication and integration at the new location. PMG designs and provides flexible cultural and language training programs which are based on a professional assessment of the individual’s needs.
The first step to a successful relocation is processing and coordinating visas. This can often be complicated and time consuming.
Moving your personal household belongings is a fundamental part of the relocation process. Integrating the move into a the complete relocation program can help reduce the overall costs by coordinating temporary living and storage arrangements more efficiently.
Eine Versetzung und die damit verbundene Eingewöhnung in ein neues Umfeld sollte mit positiven Erfahrungen verknüpft werden und dabei Ihren Mitarbeiter nicht von seiner Arbeit ablenken in einer Zeit, wenn sich Ihr Mietarbeiter und seine Familie in die neuen Lebensumstände eingewöhnen.
Kulturen verbinden
Die notwendige Unterstützung beim Kultur- und Sprachtraining hilft Ihrem Transferee enorm, sich möglichst schnell am neuen Standort zu integrieren und zu kommunizieren.
Der erste Schritt für die erfolgreiche Versetzung eines Mitarbeiters ist die Aufenthaltsgenehmigung oder das Visum. Dessen Beantragung kann zu einem komplizierten und zeitraubenden Prozess werden.
Umziehen leicht gemacht
Der Umzug aller persönlichen Habe ist ein elementarer Bestandteil des Relocation-Prozesses. Durch die Integration des Umzugs in das Relocation-Programm lassen sich die Gesamtkosten reduzieren bei der vorübergehenden Unterbringung und den Lagerkosten
If your company manages multiple tenancies as part of a relocation program, it can be a very strenuous task. For the relocating employee, dealing with workers, suppliers and leases is an unwelcome and time-consuming distraction as well. PMG offers a tenancy management service that reduces the impact on both you and your relocating employees.
The accurate management of relocation expenses is a critical part of any relocation program. Palladium Mobility Group offers a range of management services which deliver an audit-compliant solution for the corporations as well as the relocating employees.
Our Departure Service is designed to reduce the impact of a move on our customer. We take care of all aspects of the move including the necessary notifications and deregistrations.
Aus einem Guss
Falls Ihr Unternehmen im Rahmen des Relocation-Programms mehrere Mietobjekte verwaltet, kann dies eine sehr mühsame Aufgabe sein. Für den versetzten Mitarbeiter ist es eine ziemlich lästige und zeitaufwändige Zusatzbelastung, sich mit Handwerkern, Versorgungsunternehmen und Mietverträgen auseinanderzusetzen, die ihn von seiner eigentlichen Aufgabe ablenkt.
Das korrekte Management von Relocation-Ausgaben und Steuerreports ist ein entscheidender Teil jedes Relocation-Programms. PMG bietet eine Auswahl von Management-Services an, die eine audit-konforme Lösung sowohl für die Unternehmen als auch für deren Transferees bieten.
Mit unserem Departure Service möchten wir unsere Kunden möglichst von jeglichem Umzugstress entlasten. Wir kümmern uns um alle Aspekte des Aus- und Umzugs inklusive aller erforderlichen Kündigungen und Abmeldungen.

"Palladium Mobility Group has been a member of the EuRA (European Relocation Association) since 2011 and is committed to its ethics and code of conduct. The EuRA’s aim is to promote all topics and skills related to relocation and global mobility as well as setting standards for the relocation industry."
Network und Partners


Palladium Mobility Group is represented in numerous locations in order to be able to support and assist your employees on site - not only personally, but also competently and in the best possible way.
We have locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Are you looking for an interesting challenge? Would you like to play a part in positively shapeing the future of other people? If you enjoy working with people and different cultures, then we should get to know each other. You can find our current vacancies on this page, both permanent and freelance.
Select the location and position that suits you best. We are already looking forward to receiving your application and meeting you.

General Manager
OUR Philosophy
Our vision
A transfer, whether domestic or international, is an absolute challenge for the employee and their family.
The failure of a transfer is not only frustrating for the employee and the family but also extremely expensive for the employer.
We at Palladium Mobility Group will do our utmost possible and accompany the entire relocation process sensitively in order to ensure that your employee’s transfer is successful for all parties involved. For this purpose, we maintain a large network of multilingual specialists who themselves have lived abroad and therefore understand the transferees’ needs and concerns.
Our primary goal is to consider all aspects of a domestic or international transfer in our service, so that the employee and their family feel comfortable and at ease in the new environment as soon as possible.
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